Xinyu Zhao
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Cited by
Structure and dynamics of highly turbulent premixed combustion
AM Steinberg, PE Hamlington, X Zhao
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 85, 100900, 2021
Transported PDF modeling of pulverized coal jet flames
XY Zhao, DC Haworth
Combustion and Flame 161 (7), 1866-1882, 2014
Studies on the carbon reactions in the anode of deposited carbon fuel cells
XY Zhao, Q Yao, SQ Li, NS Cai
Journal of Power Sources 185 (1), 104-111, 2008
Structure of strongly turbulent premixed n-dodecane–air flames: Direct numerical simulations and chemical explosive mode analysis
C Xu, AY Poludnenko, X Zhao, H Wang, T Lu
Combustion and Flame 209, 27-40, 2019
Large eddy simulation/probability density function simulations of the Cambridge turbulent stratified flame series
H Turkeri, X Zhao, SB Pope, M Muradoglu
Combustion and Flame 199, 24-45, 2019
A numerical investigation of the flame structure and blowoff characteristics of a bluff-body stabilized turbulent premixed flame
B Wu, X Zhao, BR Chowdhury, BM Cetegen, C Xu, T Lu
Combustion and Flame 202, 376-393, 2019
Detailed modeling of a small-scale turbulent pool fire
B Wu, SP Roy, X Zhao
Combustion and Flame 214, 224-237, 2020
Stabilization and liftoff length of a non-premixed methane/air jet flame discharging into a high-temperature environment: An accelerated transported PDF method
M Jangi, X Zhao, DC Haworth, XS Bai
Combustion and Flame, 2014
Effect of solid obstacle distribution on flame acceleration and DDT in obstructed channels filled with hydrogen-air mixture
J Wang, X Zhao, L Gao, X Wang, Y Zhu
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (25), 12759-12770, 2022
A transported probability density function/photon Monte Carlo method for high-temperature oxy–natural gas combustion with spectral gas and wall radiation
XY Zhao, DC Haworth, T Ren, MF Modest
Combustion Theory and Modelling 17 (2), 354-381, 2013
Flame acceleration and onset of detonation in inhomogeneous mixture of hydrogen-air in an obstructed channel
X Zhao, J Wang, L Gao, X Wang, Y Zhu
Aerospace Science and Technology 130, 107944, 2022
Isolating gasdynamic and chemical effects on the detonation cellular structure: A combined experimental and computational study
PA Meagher, X Shi, JP Santos, NK Muraleedharan, J Crane, ...
Proceedings of the combustion institute 39 (3), 2865-2873, 2023
Effect of multiphase radiation on coal combustion in a pulverized coal jet flame
B Wu, SP Roy, X Zhao, MF Modest
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 197, 154-165, 2017
Velocity and reactive scalar dissipation spectra in turbulent premixed flames
H Kolla, XY Zhao, JH Chen, N Swaminathan
Combustion Science and Technology 188 (9), 1424-1439, 2016
Effect of hydrogen concentration distribution on flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition in staggered obstacle-laden channel
X Zhao, J Wang, L Gao, J Pan, Y Zhu
Physics of Fluids 35 (1), 2023
Multiplicity for idealized rotational detonation waves
P Zhang, PA Meagher, X Zhao
Physics of Fluids 33 (10), 2021
Transported PDF Modeling of Nonpremixed Turbulent CO/H2/N2 Jet Flames
X Zhao, DC Haworth, ED Huckaby
Combustion science and technology 184 (5), 676-693, 2012
Assessment of chemical scalars for heat release rate measurement in highly turbulent premixed combustion including experimental factors
TM Wabel, P Zhang, X Zhao, H Wang, E Hawkes, AM Steinberg
Combustion and Flame 194, 485-506, 2018
Micromixing models for PDF simulations of turbulent premixed flames
Z Ren, M Kuron, X Zhao, T Lu, E Hawkes, H Kolla, JH Chen
Combustion Science and Technology 191 (8), 1430-1455, 2019
Effects of the quantity and arrangement of reactive jet obstacles on flame acceleration and transition to detonation: A numerical study
J Wang, X Zhao, L Fan, J Pan, Y Zhu
Aerospace Science and Technology 137, 108269, 2023
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Articles 1–20