Kyung Hwa Kim
Kyung Hwa Kim
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Cited by
Facilitating customer-initiated virtual machine migration and swapping
SA Baset, H Huang, KH Kim, C Tang
US Patent 9,015,713, 2015
WiSlow: A Wi-Fi network performance troubleshooting tool for end users
KH Kim, H Nam, H Schulzrinne
IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 862-870, 2014
DYSWIS: crowdsourcing a home network diagnosis
KH Kim, H Nam, V Singh, D Song, H Schulzrinne
2014 23rd International conference on computer communication and networks …, 2014
Mot: a collaborative network troubleshooting platform for the internet of things
KH Kim, H Nam, JH Park, H Schulzrinne
2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 3438-3443, 2014
Flexible network address mapping for container-based clouds
KH Kim, JW Lee, M Ben-Ami, H Nam, J Janak, H Schulzrinne
Proceedings of the 2015 1st IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization …, 2015
Online non-intrusive diagnosis of one-way RTP faults in VoIP networks using cooperation
A Amirante, SP Romano, KH Kim, H Schulzrinne
Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications, 146-154, 2010
VBoom: Creating A Virtual Machine Real Estate Boom
KH Kim, H Huang, SA Baset, C Tang
2013 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), 312-317, 2013
BitTorrent Traffic Localization using a Multi-layered DHT
KH Kim, M Steiner, M Varvello
Network 15 (3), 20, 0
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Articles 1–8