Joud Khoury
Joud Khoury
Lead Scientist
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Cited by
RadarMAC: Mitigating radar interference in self-driving cars
J Khoury, R Ramanathan, D McCloskey, R Smith, T Campbell
2016 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2016
Policy-based access control in content networks
WT Strayer, J Khoury, AL Caro, V Kawadia, VSC Nelson
US Patent 9,571,463, 2017
P3S: A privacy preserving publish-subscribe middleware
P Pal, G Lauer, J Khoury, N Hoff, J Loyall
Middleware 2012: ACM/IFIP/USENIX 13th International Middleware Conference …, 2012
Passive, decentralized, and fully autonomous intersection access control
J Khoury, J Khoury
17th international IEEE conference on intelligent transportation systems …, 2014
Efficient private publish-subscribe systems
J Khoury, G Lauer, P Pal, B Thapa, J Loyall
2014 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented …, 2014
Dynamic routing optimization in WDM networks
J Crichigno, N Ghani, J Khoury, W Shu, MY Wu
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, 1-5, 2010
The DRM game
GL Heileman, PA Jamkhedkar, J Khoury, CJ Hrncir
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Digital Rights Management, 54-62, 2007
A practical decentralized access protocol for autonomous vehicles at isolated under-saturated intersections
J Khoury, J Khoury, G Zouein, JP Arnaout
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (5), 427-440, 2019
Towards {Provably-Secure} Scalable Anonymous Broadcast
M Zamani, J Saia, M Movahedi, J Khoury
3rd USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI 13), 2013
An event-based data model for granular information flow tracking
J Khoury, T Upthegrove, A Caro, B Benyo, D Kong
12th International Workshop on Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2020), 2020
A dynamic programming approach for routing in wireless mesh networks
J Crichigno, J Khoury, MY Wu, W Shu
IEEE GLOBECOM 2008-2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-5, 2008
An efficient and expressive access control architecture for content-based networks
J Khoury, S Nelson, A Caro, V Kawadia, D Ryder, T Strayer
2014 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1034-1039, 2014
Resource allocation for multi-agent problems in the design of future communication networks
J Piovesan, C Abdallah, H Tanner, H Jerez, J Khoury
A mobile transient network architecture
H Jerez, C Abdallah, J Khoury
Pre-print available at http://hdl. handle. net/2118/hj_tran_06, 2006
Efficient user controlled inter-domain SIP mobility authentication, registration, and call routing
JS Khoury, HN Jerez, CT Abdallah
2007 Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …, 2007
Cryptographically secure cross-domain information sharing
J Khoury, WT Strayer
US Patent 9,894,043, 2018
Towards formalizing network architectural descriptions
J Khoury, CT Abdallah, GL Heileman
International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B and Z, 132-145, 2010
The intermesh network architecture
J Khoury, J Crichigno, H Jerez, C Abdallah, W Shu, G Heileman
H-SIP Inter-Domain SIP Mobility: Design.
JS Khoury, HN Jerez, CT Abdallah
CCNC, 358-362, 2007
An application of the mobile transient network architecture: Ip mobility and inter-operability
J Khoury, H Jerez, N Nehme, C Abdallah
ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 23-29, 2006
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Articles 1–20