Philip A. Yecko
Philip A. Yecko
Physics Department, Cooper Union
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Viscous modes in two-phase mixing layers
P Yecko, S Zaleski, JM Fullana
Physics of Fluids 14 (12), 4115-4122, 2002
Turbulent convective cepheid models: linear properties
PA Yecko, Z Kolláth, JR Buchler
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9804124, 1998
Accretion disk instability revisited-transient dynamics of rotating shear flow
PA Yecko
Astronomy & Astrophysics 425 (2), 385-393, 2004
Modeling bubbles and droplets in magnetic fluids
MS Korlie, A Mukherjee, BG Nita, JG Stevens, AD Trubatch, P Yecko
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (20), 204143, 2008
Transient growth in two-phase mixing layers
P Yecko, S Zaleski
Journal of fluid mechanics 528, 43-52, 2005
Ligament formation in sheared liquid–gas layers
T Boeck, J Li, E López-Pagés, P Yecko, S Zaleski
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 21, 59-76, 2007
Nonlinear beat cepheid models
Z Kolláth, JP Beaulieu, JR Buchler, P Yecko
The Astrophysical Journal 502 (1), L55, 1998
Parallel, robust, interface simulator (PARIS)
W Aniszewski, T Arrufat, M Crialesi-Esposito, S Dabiri, D Fuster, Y Ling, ...
Computer Physics Communications 263, 107849, 2021
The nature of strange modes in classical variable stars.
JR Buchler, PA Yecko, Z Kolláth
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 326, p. 669-681 326, 669-681, 1997
Vofi—a library to initialize the volume fraction scalar field
S Bná, S Manservisi, R Scardovelli, P Yecko, S Zaleski
Computer Physics Communications 200, 291-299, 2016
Numerical, experimental, and theoretical investigation of bubble aggregation and deformation in magnetic fluids
WK Lee, R Scardovelli, AD Trubatch, P Yecko
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (1 …, 2010
Set-based corral control in stochastic dynamical systems: Making almost invariant sets more invariant
E Forgoston, L Billings, P Yecko, IB Schwartz
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 21 (1), 2011
Numerical integration of implicit functions for the initialization of the VOF function
S Bná, S Manservisi, R Scardovelli, P Yecko, S Zaleski
Computers & Fluids 113, 42-52, 2015
Modern fluid dynamics for physics and astrophysics
O Regev, OM Umurhan, PA Yecko
Springer, 2016
Disturbance growth in two-fluid channel flow: The role of capillarity
P Yecko
International journal of multiphase flow 34 (3), 272-282, 2008
Spotted disks
A Bracco, A Provenzale, EA Spiegel, P Yecko
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9802298, 1998
Stability of layered channel flow of magnetic fluids
P Yecko
Physics of Fluids 21 (3), 2009
Turbulent convection in pulsating stars
JR Buchler, P Yecko, Z Kolláth, MJ Goupil
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9901188, 1999
Small and adrift with self-control: using the environment to improve autonomy
M Ani Hsieh, H Hajieghrary, D Kularatne, CR Heckman, E Forgoston, ...
Robotics Research: Volume 2, 387-402, 2018
Analysis of flows of ferrofluids under simple shear
MS Korlie, A Mukherjee, BG Nita, JG Stevens, AD Trubatch, P Yecko
Magnetohydrodynamics 44 (1), 51-59, 2008
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Articles 1–20