A manifesto on psychology as idiographic science: Bringing the person back into scientific psychology, this time forever PCM Molenaar Measurement 2 (4), 201-218, 2004 | 2529 | 2004 |
The new person-specific paradigm in psychology PCM Molenaar, CG Campbell Current directions in psychological science 18 (2), 112-117, 2009 | 1360 | 2009 |
Sequencing of neuroblastoma identifies chromothripsis and defects in neuritogenesis genes JJ Molenaar, J Koster, DA Zwijnenburg, P Van Sluis, LJ Valentijn, ... Nature 483 (7391), 589-593, 2012 | 985 | 2012 |
Motor development KE Adolph, CM Hospodar Developmental Science, 234-269, 2024 | 903 | 2024 |
A dynamic factor model for the analysis of multivariate time series PCM Molenaar Psychometrika 50 (2), 181-202, 1985 | 727 | 1985 |
Stagewise cognitive development: an application of catastrophe theory. HL Van der Maas, PC Molenaar Psychological review 99 (3), 395, 1992 | 678 | 1992 |
Group search algorithm recovers effective connectivity maps for individuals in homogeneous and heterogeneous samples KM Gates, PCM Molenaar NeuroImage 63 (1), 310-319, 2012 | 540 | 2012 |
Neuroblastoma is composed of two super-enhancer-associated differentiation states T Van Groningen, J Koster, LJ Valentijn, DA Zwijnenburg, N Akogul, ... Nature genetics 49 (8), 1261-1266, 2017 | 499 | 2017 |
Acquired neuromyotonia: Evidence for autoantibodies directed against K+ channels of peripheral nerves P Shillito, PC Molenaar, A Vincent, K Leys, W Zheng, RJ van den Berg, ... Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 1995 | 484 | 1995 |
Abnormal myotonic dystrophy protein kinase levels produce only mild myopathy in mice G Jansen, PJTA Groenen, D Bächner, PHK Jap, M Coerwinkel, ... Nature genetics 13 (3), 316-324, 1996 | 412 | 1996 |
The relationship between the structure of interindividual and intraindividual variability: A theoretical and empirical vindication of developmental systems theory PCM Molenaar, HM Huizenga, JR Nesselroade Understanding human development: Dialogues with lifespan psychology, 339-360, 2003 | 361 | 2003 |
The integrated trait–state model EL Hamaker, JR Nesselroade, PCM Molenaar Journal of research in personality 41 (2), 295-315, 2007 | 341 | 2007 |
Bridging the nomothetic and idiographic approaches to the analysis of clinical data AM Beltz, AGC Wright, BN Sprague, PCM Molenaar Assessment 23 (4), 447-458, 2016 | 317 | 2016 |
Statistical modeling of the individual: Rationale and application of multivariate stationary time series analysis EL Hamaker, CV Dolan, PCM Molenaar Multivariate behavioral research 40 (2), 207-233, 2005 | 312 | 2005 |
The temporal factor of change in stressor–strain relationships: A growth curve model on a longitudinal study in East Germany. H Garst, M Frese, P Molenaar Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (3), 417, 2000 | 287 | 2000 |
Heritability of human brain functioning as assessed by electroencephalography. CE Van Beijsterveldt, PC Molenaar, EJ De Geus, DI Boomsma American journal of human genetics 58 (3), 562, 1996 | 281 | 1996 |
On the implications of the classical ergodic theorems: Analysis of developmental processes has to focus on intra‐individual variation PCM Molenaar Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 2008 | 277 | 2008 |
Problems with centrality measures in psychopathology symptom networks: Why network psychometrics cannot escape psychometric theory MN Hallquist, AGC Wright, PCM Molenaar Multivariate behavioral research 56 (2), 199-223, 2021 | 254 | 2021 |
Monoclonal antibodies raised against Guillain-Barré syndrome–associated Campylobacter jejuni lipopolysaccharides react with neuronal gangliosides and … CS Goodyear, GM O’Hanlon, JJ Plomp, ER Wagner, I Morrison, J Veitch, ... The Journal of clinical investigation 104 (6), 697-708, 1999 | 254 | 1999 |
Stochastic processes in postural center-of-pressure profiles KM Newell, SM Slobounov, ES Slobounova, PCM Molenaar Experimental Brain Research 113, 158-164, 1997 | 247 | 1997 |