Peter Molenaar
Peter Molenaar
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A manifesto on psychology as idiographic science: Bringing the person back into scientific psychology, this time forever
PCM Molenaar
Measurement 2 (4), 201-218, 2004
The new person-specific paradigm in psychology
PCM Molenaar, CG Campbell
Current directions in psychological science 18 (2), 112-117, 2009
Sequencing of neuroblastoma identifies chromothripsis and defects in neuritogenesis genes
JJ Molenaar, J Koster, DA Zwijnenburg, P Van Sluis, LJ Valentijn, ...
Nature 483 (7391), 589-593, 2012
Motor development
KE Adolph, CM Hospodar
Developmental Science, 234-269, 2024
A dynamic factor model for the analysis of multivariate time series
PCM Molenaar
Psychometrika 50 (2), 181-202, 1985
Stagewise cognitive development: an application of catastrophe theory.
HL Van der Maas, PC Molenaar
Psychological review 99 (3), 395, 1992
Group search algorithm recovers effective connectivity maps for individuals in homogeneous and heterogeneous samples
KM Gates, PCM Molenaar
NeuroImage 63 (1), 310-319, 2012
Neuroblastoma is composed of two super-enhancer-associated differentiation states
T Van Groningen, J Koster, LJ Valentijn, DA Zwijnenburg, N Akogul, ...
Nature genetics 49 (8), 1261-1266, 2017
Acquired neuromyotonia: Evidence for autoantibodies directed against K+ channels of peripheral nerves
P Shillito, PC Molenaar, A Vincent, K Leys, W Zheng, RJ van den Berg, ...
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 1995
Abnormal myotonic dystrophy protein kinase levels produce only mild myopathy in mice
G Jansen, PJTA Groenen, D Bächner, PHK Jap, M Coerwinkel, ...
Nature genetics 13 (3), 316-324, 1996
The relationship between the structure of interindividual and intraindividual variability: A theoretical and empirical vindication of developmental systems theory
PCM Molenaar, HM Huizenga, JR Nesselroade
Understanding human development: Dialogues with lifespan psychology, 339-360, 2003
The integrated trait–state model
EL Hamaker, JR Nesselroade, PCM Molenaar
Journal of research in personality 41 (2), 295-315, 2007
Bridging the nomothetic and idiographic approaches to the analysis of clinical data
AM Beltz, AGC Wright, BN Sprague, PCM Molenaar
Assessment 23 (4), 447-458, 2016
Statistical modeling of the individual: Rationale and application of multivariate stationary time series analysis
EL Hamaker, CV Dolan, PCM Molenaar
Multivariate behavioral research 40 (2), 207-233, 2005
The temporal factor of change in stressor–strain relationships: A growth curve model on a longitudinal study in East Germany.
H Garst, M Frese, P Molenaar
Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (3), 417, 2000
Heritability of human brain functioning as assessed by electroencephalography.
CE Van Beijsterveldt, PC Molenaar, EJ De Geus, DI Boomsma
American journal of human genetics 58 (3), 562, 1996
On the implications of the classical ergodic theorems: Analysis of developmental processes has to focus on intra‐individual variation
PCM Molenaar
Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 2008
Problems with centrality measures in psychopathology symptom networks: Why network psychometrics cannot escape psychometric theory
MN Hallquist, AGC Wright, PCM Molenaar
Multivariate behavioral research 56 (2), 199-223, 2021
Monoclonal antibodies raised against Guillain-Barré syndrome–associated Campylobacter jejuni lipopolysaccharides react with neuronal gangliosides and …
CS Goodyear, GM O’Hanlon, JJ Plomp, ER Wagner, I Morrison, J Veitch, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 104 (6), 697-708, 1999
Stochastic processes in postural center-of-pressure profiles
KM Newell, SM Slobounov, ES Slobounova, PCM Molenaar
Experimental Brain Research 113, 158-164, 1997
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