Ryo Kitada
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Cited by
Internally simulated movement sensations during motor imagery activate cortical motor areas and the cerebellum
E Naito, T Kochiyama, R Kitada, S Nakamura, M Matsumura, Y Yonekura, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (9), 3683-3691, 2002
Brain networks involved in haptic and visual identification of facial expressions of emotion: an fMRI study
R Kitada, IS Johnsrude, T Kochiyama, SJ Lederman
Neuroimage 49 (2), 1677-1689, 2010
Cross-cultural similarity in relationship-specific social touching
JT Suvilehto, L Nummenmaa, T Harada, RIM Dunbar, R Hari, R Turner, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1901), 20190467, 2019
Tactile estimation of the roughness of gratings yields a graded response in the human brain: an fMRI study
R Kitada, T Hashimoto, T Kochiyama, T Kito, T Okada, M Matsumura, ...
NeuroImage 25 (1), 90-100, 2005
Multisensory activation of the intraparietal area when classifying grating orientation: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
R Kitada, T Kito, DN Saito, T Kochiyama, M Matsumura, N Sadato, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (28), 7491-7501, 2006
Haptic roughness perception of linear gratings via bare finger or rigid probe
MA Lawrence, R Kitada, RL Klatzky, SJ Lederman
Perception 36 (4), 547-557, 2007
Haptic recognition of static and dynamic expressions of emotion in the live face
SJ Lederman, RL Klatzky, A Abramowicz, K Salsman, R Kitada, ...
Psychological Science 18 (2), 158-164, 2007
Functional specialization and convergence in the occipito-temporal cortex supporting haptic and visual identification of human faces and body parts: an fMRI study
R Kitada, IS Johnsrude, T Kochiyama, SJ Lederman
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (10), 2027-2045, 2009
Designing haptic assistive technology for individuals who are blind or visually impaired
DTV Pawluk, RJ Adams, R Kitada
IEEE transactions on haptics 8 (3), 258-278, 2015
Multisensory object perception in the primate brain
MJ Naumer, J Kaiser
Springer, 2010
Early visual experience and the recognition of basic facial expressions: Involvement of the middle temporal and inferior frontal gyri during haptic identification by the early …
R Kitada, Y Okamoto, AT Sasaki, T Kochiyama, M Miyahara, SJ Lederman, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7, 2013
Interpersonal touch suppresses visual processing of aversive stimuli
H Kawamichi, R Kitada, K Yoshihara, HK Takahashi, N Sadato
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 164, 2015
The brain network underlying the recognition of hand gestures in the blind: the supramodal role of the extrastriate body area
R Kitada, K Yoshihara, AT Sasaki, M Hashiguchi, T Kochiyama, N Sadato
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (30), 10096-10108, 2014
Haptic face identification activates ventral occipital and temporal areas: An fMRI study
AR Kilgour, R Kitada, P Servos, TW James, SJ Lederman
Brain and Cognition 59 (3), 246-257, 2005
Tactile perception of pleasantness in relation to perceived softness
A Pasqualotto, M Ng, ZY Tan, R Kitada
Scientific reports 10 (1), 11189, 2020
Moving tactile stimuli of fingers are integrated in the intraparietal and inferior parietal cortices
R Kitada, T Kochiyama, T Hashimoto, E Naito, M Matsumura
Neuroreport 14 (5), 719-724, 2003
Brain networks underlying conscious tactile perception of textures as revealed using the velvet hand illusion
N Rajaei, N Aoki, HK Takahashi, T Miyaoka, T Kochiyama, M Ohka, ...
Human brain mapping 39 (12), 4787-4801, 2018
Role of the precuneus in the detection of incongruency between tactile and visual texture information: a functional MRI study
R Kitada, AT Sasaki, Y Okamoto, T Kochiyama, N Sadato
Neuropsychologia 64, 252-262, 2014
Brain networks underlying tactile softness perception: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
R Kitada, R Doizaki, J Kwon, T Tanigawa, E Nakagawa, T Kochiyama, ...
Neuroimage 197, 156-166, 2019
Brain networks of affective mentalizing revealed by the tear effect: the integrative role of the medial prefrontal cortex and precuneus
HK Takahashi, R Kitada, AT Sasaki, H Kawamichi, S Okazaki, ...
Neuroscience Research 101, 32-43, 2015
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Articles 1–20