Antonio de la Piedra
Antonio de la Piedra
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Cited by
Sensor systems based on FPGAs and their applications: A survey
A De La Piedra, A Braeken, A Touhafi
Sensors 12 (9), 12235-12264, 2012
NewHope algorithm specifications and supporting documentation
E Alkim, R Avanzi, J Bos, L Ducas, A de la Piedra, T Pöppelmann, ...
NIST PQC Round 2 (4), 11, 2019
Wireless sensor networks for environmental research: A survey on limitations and challenges
A De La Piedra, F Benitez-Capistros, F Dominguez, A Touhafi
Eurocon 2013, 267-274, 2013
T Poppelmann, E Alkim, R Avanzi, J Bos, L Ducas, A de la Piedra, ...
NIST, Tech. Rep, 2017
NewHope: algorithm specifications and supporting documentation (2019)
E Alkim, R Avanzi, J Bos, L Ducas, A de la Piedra, T Poppelmann, ...
URL: https://csrc. nist. gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography/round-2 …, 2018
E Alkim, R Avanzi, J Bos, L Ducas, A De La Piedra, PST Pöppelmann, ...
NewHope_2017_12_21. pdf, 2017
Bitsliced masking and ARM: Friends or foes?
W de Groot, K Papagiannopoulos, A de La Piedra, E Schneider, L Batina
Lightweight Cryptography for Security and Privacy: 5th International …, 2017
Towards a Full-Featured Implementation of Attribute Based Credentials on Smart Cards⋆
A de la Piedra, JH Hoepman, P Vullers
13th Int. Conf. on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2014), 2014
S-box pipelining using genetic algorithms for high-throughput AES implementations: How fast can we go?
L Batina, D Jakobovic, N Mentens, S Picek, A de la Piedra, D Sisejkovic
INDOCRYPT 2014, 2014
ABE squared: accurately benchmarking efficiency of attribute-based encryption
A de la Piedra, M Venema, G Alpár
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022
A performance comparison study of ECC and AES in commercial and research sensor nodes
A de la Piedra, A Braeken, A Touhafi
Eurocon 2013, 347-354, 2013
Extending the IEEE 802.15. 4 security suite with a compact implementation of the NIST P-192/B-163 elliptic curves
A de la Piedra, A Braeken, A Touhafi
Sensors 13 (8), 9704-9728, 2013
Secure event logging in sensor networks
A De La Piedra, A Braeken, A Touhafi, K Wouters
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 65 (5), 762-773, 2013
Newhope (version 1.1): Algorithm specifications and supporting documentation (april 10, 2020)
E Alkim, R Avanzi, JW Bos, L Ducas, A de la Piedra, T Poppelmann, ...
Submission to the NIST post-quantum project, 2020
An IEEE 802.15. 4 baseband SoC for tracking applications in the medical environment based on Actel Cortex-M1 soft-core
A de la Piedra, A Touhafi, G Cornetta
2010 17th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the …, 2010
NewHope (2017)
E Alkim, R Avanzi, J Bos, L Ducas, A de la Piedra, T Pöppelmann, ...
NewHope_2017_12_21. pdf, 2020
Compact implementation of CCM and GCM modes of AES using DSP blocks
A De La Piedra, A Touhafi, A Braeken
2013 23rd International Conference on Field programmable Logic and …, 2013
ACABELLA: Automated (Crypt) analysis of Attribute-Based Encryption Leveraging Linear Algebra
A de la Piedra, M Venema, G Alpár
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2023
Leveraging the DSP48E1 block in lightweight cryptographic implementations
A de la Piedra, A Braeken, A Touhafi
e-Health Networking, Applications & Services (Healthcom), 2013 IEEE 15th …, 2013
Wireless sensor networks for environmental research: A survey on limitations and challenges, Eurocon 2013
A de la Piedra, F Benitez-Capistros, F Dominguez, A Touhafi
IEEE, 2013
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Articles 1–20