Yue Xie
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Cited by
A problem evolution algorithm with linear programming for the dynamic facility layout problem—A general layout formulation
Y Xiao, Y Xie, S Kulturel-Konak, A Konak
Computers & Operations Research 88, 187-207, 2017
Evolutionary algorithms for the chance-constrained knapsack problem
Y Xie, O Harper, H Assimi, A Neumann, F Neumann
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 338-346, 2019
Specific single-and multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for the chance-constrained knapsack problem
Y Xie, A Neumann, F Neumann
Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 271-279, 2020
A β-accurate linearization method of Euclidean distance for the facility layout problem with heterogeneous distance metrics
Y Xie, S Zhou, Y Xiao, S Kulturel-Konak, A Konak
European Journal of Operational Research 265 (1), 26-38, 2018
Evolutionary bi-objective optimization for the dynamic chance-constrained knapsack problem based on tail bound objectives
H Assimi, O Harper, Y Xie, A Neumann, F Neumann
ECAI 2020, 307-314, 2020
Runtime analysis of RLS and the (1+ 1) EA for the chance-constrained knapsack problem with correlated uniform weights
Y Xie, A Neumann, F Neumann, AM Sutton
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1187-1194, 2021
Evolutionary algorithms for limiting the effect of uncertainty for the knapsack problem with stochastic profits
A Neumann, Y Xie, F Neumann
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 294-307, 2022
Diversity‐Based Topology Optimization of Soft Robotic Grippers
J Pinskier, X Wang, L Liow, Y Xie, P Kumar, M Langelaar, D Howard
Advanced Intelligent Systems 6 (4), 2300505, 2024
Heuristic strategies for solving complex interacting stockpile blending problem with chance constraints
Y Xie, A Neumann, F Neumann
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1079-1087, 2021
Fin-bayes: A multi-objective bayesian optimization framework for soft robotic fingers
X Wang, B Wang, J Pinskier, Y Xie, J Brett, R Scalzo, D Howard
Soft Robotics, 2024
Heuristic strategies for solving complex interacting large-scale stockpile blending problems
Y Xie, A Neumann, F Neumann
2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1288-1295, 2021
A new area linearization method for Unequal area facility layout problem
Y Xie, S Zhou, Y Xiao, W Chang
2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2016
Collaborative Routing and Charging/Discharging Scheduling of Electric Autonomous Vehicles in Coupled Power-Traffic Networks: A Multi-Objective Approach
KF Chu, T Chen, Y Xie, AYS Lam, Y Song, F Iida
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2025
Evolutionary Seeding of Diverse Structural Design Solutions via Topology Optimization
Y Xie, J Pinskier, X Wang, D Howard
ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning 4 (4), 1-23, 2024
Mixed-autonomy traffic and wireless charging problem for autonomous electric vehicles using reinforcement learning
KF Chu, Y Xie, A Lam, F Iida
Fin-QD: A Computational Design Framework for Soft Grippers: Integrating MAP-Elites and High-fidelity FEM
Y Xie, X Wang, F Iida, D Howard
2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 692-697, 2024
An optimization strategy for the complex large-scale stockpile blending problem
Y Xie, A Neumann, F Neumann
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion …, 2022
Evolutionary Learning and Optimization
Y Jin, X Wang, H Singh, T Chugh, A Rahat, Y Xie, J Pinskier, D Howard, ...
ACM Transactions on 4 (4), 2007
Embodied Intelligence in Additive Manufacturing
J Xu, Y Xie, F Iida
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1321 (1), 012005, 2024
A’MAP’to find high-performing soft robot designs: Traversing complex design spaces using MAP-elites and Topology Optimization
Y Xie, J Pinskier, L Liow, D Howard, F Iida
2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2024
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Articles 1–20