Florian Mayneris
Florian Mayneris
ESG-UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal)
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Cited by
Spatial concentration and plant-level productivity in France
P Martin, T Mayer, F Mayneris
Journal of urban Economics 69 (2), 182-195, 2011
Local export spillovers in France
P Koenig, F Mayneris, S Poncet
European Economic Review 54 (4), 622-641, 2010
Public support to clusters: A firm level study of French “Local Productive Systems”
P Martin, T Mayer, F Mayneris
Regional Science and Urban Economics 41 (2), 108-123, 2011
Improving or disappearing: Firm-level adjustments to minimum wages in China
F Mayneris, S Poncet, T Zhang
Journal of Development Economics 135, 20-42, 2018
The impact of Urban Enterprise Zones on establishment location decisions and labor market outcomes: evidence from France
T Mayer, F Mayneris, L Py
Journal of Economic Geography 17 (4), 709-752, 2017
Les pôles de compétitivité: que peut-on en attendre?
G Duranton, P Martin, T Mayer, F Mayneris
Ed. Rue d'Ulm (ENS), 2008
The economics of clusters: Lessons from the French experience
G Duranton, P MARTIN, T Mayer, F Mayneris
The Journal of Economic Geography 12 (2), 573-5, 2011
Cluster policies and firm selection: Evidence from France
L Fontagné, P Koenig, F Mayneris, S Poncet
Journal of regional science 53 (5), 897-922, 2013
Chinese firms' entry to export markets: the role of foreign export spillovers
F Mayneris, S Poncet
The World Bank Economic Review 29 (1), 150-179, 2015
DP12918 One Way to the Top: How Services Boost the Demand for Goods
A Cou, F Mayneris, M Parenti
High-end variety exporters defying gravity: Micro facts and aggregate implications
J Martin, F Mayneris
Journal of International Economics 96 (1), 55-71, 2015
Gentrification and pioneer businesses
K Behrens, B Boualam, J Martin, F Mayneris
Review of Economics and Statistics 106 (1), 119-132, 2024
Are clusters more resilient in crises? Evidence from French exporters in 2008-2009
P Martin, T Mayer, F Mayneris
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP9667, 2013
Average income, income inequality and export unit values
H Latzer, F Mayneris
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 185, 625-646, 2021
French firms penetrating Asian markets: Role of export spillovers
S Poncet, F Mayneris
Journal of Economic Integration, 354-374, 2013
Heterogeneous export spillovers to Chinese domestic firms: the role of the difficulty to enter the destination market
F Mayneris, S Poncet
Natural clusters: Why policies promoting agglomeration are unnecessary
P Martin, T Mayer, F Mayneris
4July, available at http://www. voxeu. org/index. php, 2008
The efficiency of enterprise zone programs: some conflicting results
F Mayneris, L Py
Région et Développement 38, 209-224, 2013
Les pôles de compétitivité wallons: Quel impact sur les performances économiques des entreprises?
C Dujardin, V Louis, F Mayneris
Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 417-462, 2018
Impact des politiques de clusters sur les performances des entreprises. Enseignements de l’expérience française
F Mayneris
Regards économiques, 2011
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Articles 1–20