Eita Nakamura
Eita Nakamura
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Performance Error Detection and Post-Processing for Fast and Accurate Symbolic Music Alignment.
E Nakamura, K Yoshii, H Katayose
ISMIR, 347-353, 2017
Towards complete polyphonic music transcription: Integrating multi-pitch detection and rhythm quantization
E Nakamura, E Benetos, K Yoshii, S Dixon
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
Merged-Output HMM for Piano Fingering of Both Hands.
E Nakamura, N Ono, S Sagayama
ISMIR, 531-536, 2014
Decaying dark matter baryons in a composite messenger model
K Hamaguchi, E Nakamura, S Shirai, TT Yanagida
Physics Letters B 674 (4-5), 299-302, 2009
Rhythm transcription of polyphonic piano music based on merged-output HMM for multiple voices
E Nakamura, K Yoshii, S Sagayama
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 25 (4), 794-806, 2017
Statistical learning and estimation of piano fingering
E Nakamura, Y Saito, K Yoshii
Information Sciences 517, 68-85, 2020
Tree-structured probabilistic model of monophonic written music based on the generative theory of tonal music
E Nakamura, M Hamanaka, K Hirata, K Yoshii
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Statistical evolutionary laws in music styles
E Nakamura, K Kaneko
Scientific reports 9 (1), 15993, 2019
Automatic singing transcription based on encoder-decoder recurrent neural networks with a weakly-supervised attention mechanism
R Nishikimi, E Nakamura, S Fukayama, M Goto, K Yoshii
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Outer-product hidden Markov model and polyphonic MIDI score following
E Nakamura, T Nakamura, Y Saito, N Ono, S Sagayama
Journal of New Music Research 43 (2), 183-201, 2014
Non-local musical statistics as guides for audio-to-score piano transcription
K Shibata, E Nakamura, K Yoshii
Information Sciences 566, 262-280, 2021
Function-and Rhythm-Aware Melody Harmonization Based on Tree-Structured Parsing and Split-Merge Sampling of Chord Sequences.
H Tsushima, E Nakamura, K Itoyama, K Yoshii
ISMIR, 502-508, 2017
Autoregressive hidden semi-Markov model of symbolic music performance for score following
E Nakamura, P Cuvillier, A Cont, N Ono, S Sagayama
16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2015
Automatic piano reduction from ensemble scores based on merged-output hidden markov model
E Nakamura, S Sagayama
ICMC, 2015
Generative statistical models with self-emergent grammar of chord sequences
H Tsushima, E Nakamura, K Itoyama, K Yoshii
Journal of New Music Research 47 (3), 226-248, 2018
Statistical piano reduction controlling performance difficulty
E Nakamura, K Yoshii
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 7, e13, 2018
Real-time audio-to-score alignment of music performances containing errors and arbitrary repeats and skips
T Nakamura, E Nakamura, S Sagayama
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 24 (2), 329-339, 2015
A stochastic temporal model of polyphonic MIDI performance with ornaments
E Nakamura, N Ono, S Sagayama, K Watanabe
Journal of New Music Research 44 (4), 287-304, 2015
Independent low-rank tensor analysis for audio source separation
K Yoshii, K Kitamura, Y Bando, E Nakamura, T Kawahara
2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1657-1661, 2018
Musical Note Estimation for F0 Trajectories of Singing Voices Based on a Bayesian Semi-Beat-Synchronous HMM.
R Nishikimi, E Nakamura, K Itoyama, K Yoshii
ISMIR, 461-467, 2016
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Articles 1–20