Alaa Sheta
Alaa Sheta
Professor of Computer Science Department, Southern Connecticut State University, CT, USA
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Cited by
A mobile robot path planning using genetic algorithm in static environment
AT Ismail, A Sheta, M Al-Weshah
Journal of Computer Science 4 (4), 341-344, 2008
A novel meta-heuristic search algorithm for solving optimization problems: capuchin search algorithm
M Braik, A Sheta, H Al-Hiary
Neural computing and applications 33 (7), 2515-2547, 2021
Estimation of the COCOMO model parameters using genetic algorithms for NASA software projects
AF Sheta
Journal of Computer Science 2 (2), 118-123, 2006
A comparison between regression, artificial neural networks and support vector machines for predicting stock market index
AF Sheta, SEM Ahmed, H Faris
Soft Computing 7 (8), 2, 2015
Time-series forecasting using GA-tuned radial basis functions
AF Sheta, K De Jong
Information Sciences 133 (3-4), 221-228, 2001
Image enhancement using particle swarm optimization
M Braik, A Sheta, A Ayesh
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference of Signal and Image …, 2007
Prediction of software reliability: A comparison between regression and neural network non-parametric models
SH Aljahdali, A Sheta, D Rine
ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications., 470-473, 2001
Business Intelligence and Performance Management - Theory, Systems and Industrial Applications
AA Peter Rausch, Alaa Sheta
Springer Verlag London Ltd., 236 Gray's Inn Road,, 2013
Energy optimization in wireless sensor networks using a hybrid k-means PSO clustering algorithm
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences 24 (4), 2679-2695, 2016
Development of software effort and schedule estimation models using soft computing techniques
A Sheta, D Rine, A Ayesh
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2008 …, 2008
Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea from ECG signals using machine learning and deep learning classifiers
A Sheta, H Turabieh, T Thaher, J Too, M Mafarja, MS Hossain, SR Surani
Applied Sciences 11 (14), 6622, 2021
Collision-free autonomous robot navigation in unknown environments utilizing PSO for path planning
E Krell, A Sheta, APR Balasubramanian, SA King
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research 9 (4), 267-282, 2019
Software effort estimation and stock market prediction using Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models
A Sheta
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems., 171-178, 2006
Computational intelligence for wireless sensor networks: Applications and clustering algorithms
B Solaiman, A Sheta
International Journal of Computer Applications 73 (15), 1-8, 2013
Reliability growth modeling for software fault detection using particle swarm optimization
A Sheta
Proceeding of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2006), 3071 …, 2006
Prediction of PM10 and TSP air pollution parameters using artificial neural network autoregressive, external input models: a case study in salt, Jordan
M Alkasassbeh, AF Sheta, H Faris, H Turabieh
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 14 (7), 999-1009, 2013
Optimizing the communication distance of an ad hoc wireless sensor networks by genetic algorithms
M Al-Obaidy, A Ayesh, AF Sheta
Artificial Intelligence Review 29, 183-194, 2008
A Comparsion between Genetic Algorithms and Sequential Quadratic Programming in Solving Constrained Optimization Problems
J Al-Salt
AIML J 6, 67-74, 2006
Software effort estimation by tuning COOCMO model parameters using differential evolution
S Aljahdali, AF Sheta
Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems …, 2010
A comparison between GAs and PSO in training ANN to model the TE chemical process reactor
M Braik, A Sheta, A Arieqat
Proceedings of the AISB 2008 symposium on swarm intelligence algorithms and …, 2008
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Articles 1–20