Coactive design: Designing support for interdependence in joint activity M Johnson, JM Bradshaw, PJ Feltovich, CM Jonker, MB Van Riemsdijk, ... Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 3 (1), 43-69, 2014 | 446 | 2014 |
Brahms: Simulating practice for work systems design WJ Clancey, P Sachs, M Sierhuis, R Van Hoof International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 49 (6), 831-865, 1998 | 278 | 1998 |
Hypermedia support for argumentation-based rationale SJB Shum, AM Selvin, M Sierhuis, J Conklin, CB Haley, B Nuseibeh Rationale management in software engineering, 111-132, 2006 | 250 | 2006 |
Representation and reasoning for DAML-based policy and domain services in KAoS and Nomads J Bradshaw, A Uszok, R Jeffers, N Suri, P Hayes, M Burstein, A Acquisti, ... Proceedings of the second international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2003 | 198 | 2003 |
Facilitated hypertext for collective sensemaking: 15 years on from gIBIS J Conklin, A Selvin, S Buckingham Shum, M Sierhuis Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, 123-124, 2001 | 197 | 2001 |
Human-agent teamwork and adjustable autonomy in practice M Sierhuis, J Bradshaw, A Acquisti, R Van Hoof, R Jeffers, A Uszok Carnegie Mellon University, 2003 | 166 | 2003 |
Modeling and simulating work practice: BRAHMS: a multiagent modeling and simulation language for work system analysis and design M Sierhuis Dutch Graduate School for Information and Knowledge Systems, 2001 | 149 | 2001 |
Adjustable autonomy and human-agent teamwork in practice: An interim report on space applications JM Bradshaw, M Sierhuis, A Acquisti, P Feltovich, R Hoffman, R Jeffers, ... Agent autonomy, 243-280, 2003 | 139 | 2003 |
The fundamental principle of coactive design: Interdependence must shape autonomy M Johnson, JM Bradshaw, PJ Feltovich, CM Jonker, B Van Riemsdijk, ... International Workshop on coordination, organizations, institutions, and …, 2010 | 133 | 2010 |
Compendium: Making meetings into knowledge events A Selvin, S Buckingham Shum, M Seirhuis, J Conklin, B Zimmerman, ... | 131 | 2001 |
Human-agent-robot teamwork JM Bradshaw, V Dignum, C Jonker, M Sierhuis IEEE Intelligent Systems 27 (2), 8-13, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
Brahms: a multi-agent modelling environment for simulating work processes and practices M Sierhuis, WJ Clancey, RJJ Van Hoof International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 3 (3), 134-152, 2007 | 112 | 2007 |
Beyond cooperative robotics: The central role of interdependence in coactive design M Johnson, JM Bradshaw, PJ Feltovich, RR Hoffman, C Jonker, ... IEEE Intelligent Systems 26 (3), 81-88, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
Modeling and simulating practices, a work method for work systems design M Sierhuis, WJ Clancey IEEE Intelligent Systems 17 (5), 32-41, 2005 | 97 | 2005 |
Simulating work behavior WJ Clancey, DM Torok, M Sierhuis, RJJ Van Hoof, P Sachs US Patent 6,216,098, 2001 | 90 | 2001 |
Autonomy and interdependence in human-agent-robot teams M Johnson, JM Bradshaw, P Feltovich, C Jonker, B Van Riemsdijk, ... IEEE Intelligent Systems 27 (2), 43-51, 2012 | 84 | 2012 |
Knowledge, practice, activities and people M Sierhuis, WJ Clancey Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in …, 1997 | 65 | 1997 |
Automating CapCom using mobile agents and robotic assistants W Clancey, M Sierhuis, R Alena, J Dowding, J Graham, S Rupert, ... 1st Space Exploration Conference: Continuing the Voyage of Discovery, 2659, 2007 | 63 | 2007 |
Modeling and simulation for mission operations work system design M Sierhuis, WJ Clancey, C Seah, JP Trimble, MH Sims Journal of Management Information Systems 19 (4), 85-128, 2003 | 59 | 2003 |
Teamwork-centered autonomy for extended human-agent interaction in space applications JM Bradshaw, A Acquisti, J Allen, MR Breedy, L Bunch, N Chambers, ... AAAI 2004 Spring Symposium, 22-24, 2004 | 54 | 2004 |