Andrés Moreno
Andrés Moreno
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (grid.41312.35 / ROR 03etyjw28)
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Cited by
Tax Fraud Detection for Under-Reporting Declarations Using an Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach
D de Roux, B Perez, A Moreno, MP Villamil, C Figueroa
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2018
Clinical Data Analysis: An Opportunity to Compare Machine Learning Methods
A Salcedo-Bernal, MP Villamil-Giraldo, A Moreno
Procedia Computer Science 100, 731-738, 2016
CDCol: a geoscience data cube that meets Colombian needs
C Ariza-Porras, G Bravo, M Villamizar, A Moreno, H Castro, G Galindo, ...
Colombian Conference on Computing, 87-99, 2017
Hybrid model rating prediction with linked open data for recommender systems
A Moreno, C Ariza-Porras, P Lago, CL Jiménez-Guarín, H Castro, ...
Semantic Web Evaluation Challenge, 193-198, 2014
Architecture for a Colombian data cube using satellite imagery for environmental applications
G Bravo, H Castro, A Moreno, C Ariza-Porras, G Galindo, E Cabrera, ...
Colombian Conference on Computing, 227-241, 2017
Decentralized recommender systems for mobile advertisement
A Moreno, H Castro, M Riveill
Workshop on Personalization in Mobile Applications (PEMA’11),, Chicago …, 2011
Privacy-enabled scalable recommender systems
AD Moreno Barbosa
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2014
ADACOP: A Big Data Platform for Open Government Data
A Moreno, J Molano-Pulido, JE Gomez-Morantes, RA Gonzalez
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …, 2022
Client-Side Hybrid Rating Prediction for Recommendation
A Moreno, H Castro, M Riveill
International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization …, 2014
Simple time-aware and social-aware user similarity for a KNN-based recommender system
A Moreno, H Castro, M Riveill
Proceedings of the 2nd Challenge on Context-Aware Movie Recommendation, 36-38, 2011
Context semantic filtering for mobile advertisement
A Moreno, H Castro
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2010
Sistema de recomendación de programas universitarios para estudiantes de educación media basado en Deep Learning
JA Orozco-Cacique, AD Moreno-Barbosa
Respuestas 25 (3), 176-188, 2020
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Articles 1–12