Jean-Christophe Robinet
Jean-Christophe Robinet
Professor, DynFluid Laboratory, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology
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Bifurcations in shock-wave/laminar-boundary-layer interaction: global instability approach
JC Robinet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 579, 85-112, 2007
Investigation of the roughness-induced transition: global stability analyses and direct numerical simulations
JC Loiseau, JC Robinet, S Cherubini, E Leriche
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 760, 175-211, 2014
Shock wave instability and the carbuncle phenomenon: same intrinsic origin?
JC Robinet, J Gressier, G Casalis, JM Moschetta
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 417, 237-263, 2000
On the dynamics of axisymmetric turbulent separating/reattaching flows
PÉ Weiss, S Deck, JC Robinet, P Sagaut
Physics of Fluids 21 (7), 2009
Rapid path to transition via nonlinear localized optimal perturbations in a boundary-layer flow
S Cherubini, P De Palma, JC Robinet, A Bottaro
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (6 …, 2010
The minimal seed of turbulent transition in the boundary layer
S Cherubini, P De Palma, JC Robinet, A Bottaro
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 689, 221-253, 2011
Spatially convective global modes in a boundary layer
F Alizard, JC Robinet
Physics of fluids 19 (11), 2007
Sensitivity and optimal forcing response in separated boundary layer flows
F Alizard, S Cherubini, JC Robinet
Physics of Fluids 21 (6), 2009
Large-eddy simulation of broadband unsteadiness in a shock/boundary-layer interaction
G Aubard, X Gloerfelt, JC Robinet
AIAA journal 51 (10), 2395-2409, 2013
Instabilities in oblique shock wave/laminar boundary-layer interactions
F Guiho, F Alizard, JC Robinet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 789, 1-35, 2016
Transonic buffet instability: from two-dimensional airfoils to three-dimensional swept wings
E Paladini, S Beneddine, J Dandois, D Sipp, JC Robinet
Physical Review Fluids 4 (10), 103906, 2019
Edge states in a boundary layer
S Cherubini, PD Palma, JC Robinet, A Bottaro
Physics Of Fluids 23 (5), 2011
Numerical investigation of the interaction between laminar to turbulent transition and the wake of an airfoil
A Ducoin, JC Loiseau, JC Robinet
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 57, 231-248, 2016
Closed-loop control of unsteadiness over a rounded backward-facing step
A Barbagallo, G Dergham, D Sipp, PJ Schmid, JC Robinet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 703, 326-362, 2012
3D global optimal forcing and response of the supersonic boundary layer
B Bugeat, JC Chassaing, JC Robinet, P Sagaut
Journal of Computational Physics 398, 108888, 2019
Optimal wave packets in a boundary layer and initial phases of a turbulent spot
S Cherubini, JC Robinet, A Bottaro, P de Palma
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 656, 231-259, 2010
Analysis and comparison of transonic buffet phenomenon over several three-dimensional wings
E Paladini, J Dandois, D Sipp, JC Robinet
AIAA Journal 57 (1), 379-396, 2019
Stochastic dynamics and model reduction of amplifier flows: the backward facing step flow
G Dergham, D Sipp, JC Robinet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 719, 406-430, 2013
Multiple-correction hybrid k-exact schemes for high-order compressible RANS-LES simulations on fully unstructured grids
G Pont, P Brenner, P Cinnella, B Maugars, JC Robinet
Journal of Computational Physics 350, 45-83, 2017
Hairpin-like optimal perturbations in plane Poiseuille flow
M Farano, S Cherubini, JC Robinet, P De Palma
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 775, R2, 2015
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Articles 1–20