Giulio Nazzicone
Giulio Nazzicone
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Cited by
DALI for cognitive robotics: Principles and prototype implementation
S Costantini, G De Gasperis, G Nazzicone
International symposium on practical aspects of declarative languages, 152-162, 2016
Dali multi agent systems framework, doi 10.5281/zenodo. 11042
G De Gasperis, S Costantini, G Nazzicone
DALI GitHub Software Repository, July, 2014
Exploration of unknown territory via DALI agents and ASP modules
S Costantini, G De Gasperis, G Nazzicone
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 12th International …, 2015
Context and action: a unitary vision within a logic-based multi-agent environment
S Costantini, G De Gasperis, G Nazzicone, L Tarantino
Digitally Supported Innovation: A Multi-Disciplinary View on Enterprise …, 2016
The hybrid MAS approach for information system development in “Cyber Trainer”
A Salutari, L Tarantino, M Evangelista, G Nazzicone
Proceedings of 14th IADIS International Conference Information Systems, 275-281, 2021
Definizione, implementazione e sperimentazione di estensioni del linguaggio orientato agli agenti DALI nel campo della robotica cognitiva: Ph. D. in ingegneria e scienze dell …
G Nazzicone
Compressing Big Data: When the Rate of Convergence to the Entropy Matters
S Aronica, A Langiu, F Marzi, S Mazzola, F Mignosi, G Nazzicone
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences: 6th International …, 2016
DALI 2.0: a Multi Agent System Framework for the Web and Robotics
S Costantini, G De Gasperis, G Nazzicone
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Articles 1–8