Amy Roberson Hayes
Amy Roberson Hayes
Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Texas at Tyler
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Cited by
Handbook of competence and motivation: Theory and application
AJ Elliot, CS Dweck, DS Yeager
Guilford Publications, 2017
The efficacy of single-sex education: Testing for selection and peer quality effects
AR Hayes, EE Pahlke, RS Bigler
Sex roles 65, 693-703, 2011
Analysis and evaluation of the rationales for single-sex schooling
RS Bigler, AR Hayes, LS Liben
Advances in child development and behavior 47, 225-260, 2014
A meta-analytic critique of Mael et al.’s (2005) review of single-sex schooling
ML Signorella, AR Hayes, Y Li
Sex roles 69, 423-441, 2013
Toward a developmental science of politics
MM Patterson, RS Bigler, E Pahlke, CS Brown, AR Hayes, MC Ramirez, ...
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 84 (3), 7-185, 2019
The role of schools in the early socialization of gender differences
R Bigler, AR Hayes, V Hamilton
Encyclopedia on early childhood development, 1-4, 2013
Building a pink dinosaur: The effects of gendered construction toys on girls’ and boys’ play
M Fulcher, AR Hayes
Sex Roles 79, 273-284, 2018
Of men and money: Characteristics of occupations that affect the gender differentiation of children’s occupational interests
AR Hayes, RS Bigler, ES Weisgram
Sex Roles 78, 775-788, 2018
Gender-related values, perceptions of discrimination, and mentoring in STEM graduate training
AR Hayes, RS Bigler
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 5 (3), 254-280, 2013
Perceptions of gender norm violations among middle school students: An experimental study of the effects of violation type on exclusion expectations
SL Masters, K Hixson, AR Hayes
The Journal of Early Adolescence 41 (4), 527-549, 2021
Women, work, and families during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Examining the effects of COVID policies and looking to the future
AR Hayes, D Lee
Journal of Social Issues 79 (3), 1088-1105, 2023
Postbaccalaureate STEM students’ perceptions of their training: Exploring the intersection of gender and nativity
AR Hayes, RS Bigler
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 7 (2), 180-204, 2015
El papel de las escuelas en la socialización temprana sobre las diferencias de géneros
R Bigler, AR Hayes, V Hamilton
Enciclopedia sobre el desarrollo de la primera infancia, 1-5, 2013
Using exploratory structural equation modeling to investigate the construct validity of the critical thinking disposition scale
CL Thomas, AR Hayes
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 39 (5), 640-648, 2021
The role of schools in the early socialization of gender differences. Encyclopedia on early childhood development, 1-4
R Bigler, AR Hayes, V Hamilton
University of Texas at Austin, USA, University of California Santa Cruz, USA …, 2013
Social striving: Social group membership and children's motivations and competencies.
RS Bigler, AR Hayes, MM Patterson
The Guilford Press, 2017
Género: Sociaclización temprana
L Hanish, R Fabes
EEUU: Enciclopedia sobre el Desarorllo de la Primera Infancia, 2014
Gender: Early socialization
LD Hanish, RA Fabes, C Leaper, R Bigler, AR Hayes, V Hamilton, ...
Societal contexts of child development: Pathways of influence and …, 2013
Pathways among masculinity, femininity, and health behaviors in emerging adulthood
SL Masters, AR Hayes
Current Psychology 41 (5), 2848-2859, 2022
The Perceptions of Open Educational Resources by Teaching Staff in Higher Education in Ireland
A Hayes
DBS Applied Research and Theory Journal 1, 108-133, 2024
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Articles 1–20