M Sharmila Kumari
M Sharmila Kumari
P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore
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Face recognition using kernel entropy component analysis
BH Shekar, MS Kumari, LM Mestetskiy, NF Dyshkant
Neurocomputing 74 (6), 1053-1057, 2011
Performance analysis of different TCP variants in wireless ad hoc networks
SU Shenoy, MS Kumari, UKK Shenoy, N Anusha
2017 International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics …, 2017
On the use of Moravec operator for text detection in document images and video frames
MS Kumari, BH Shekar
2011 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology …, 2011
Shot boundary detection algorithm based on color texture moments
BH Shekar, M Sharmila Kumari, R Holla
International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and …, 2011
Kid: Kirsch directional features based image descriptor
BH Shekar, KR Holla, MS Kumari
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: 5th International Conference …, 2013
Face recognition based on fractional discrete cosine transform
BH Shekar, G Thippeswamy, MS Kumari
2011 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology …, 2011
Action recognition using undecimated dual tree complex wavelet transform from depth motion maps/depth sequences
BH Shekar, P Rathnakara Shetty, M Sharmila Kumari, L Mestetsky
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Surface measures for accuracy evaluation in 3d face reconstruction
LM Mestetskiy, NF Dyshkant, D Gordeev, MS Kumari, BH Shekar
Pattern recognition 45 (10), 3583-3589, 2012
Human face tracking using normalized CamShift face tracker
BB Ramakrishna, M Sharmila Kumari
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 16 (4), 1485-1488, 2019
Video shot boundary detection: An efficient and an accurate approach based on Gabor moments
BH Shekar, KR Holla, MS Kumari
2013 Fourth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition …, 2013
Video Shot Detection Using Cumulative Colour Histogram
BH Shekar, K Raghurama Holla, M Sharmila Kumari
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image …, 2013
FLD-SIFT: Class Based Scale Invariant Feature Transform for Accurate Classification of Faces
BH Shekar, M Sharmila Kumari, LM Mestetskiy, N Dyshkant
Computer Networks and Information Technologies: Second International …, 2011
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Articles 1–12