David Matarrita-Cascante
David Matarrita-Cascante
Other namesDavid Matarrita
Associate Professor at Texas A&M University
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Community agency and sustainable tourism development: The case of La Fortuna, Costa Rica
D Matarrita-Cascante, MA Brennan, AE Luloff
Journal of sustainable tourism 18 (6), 735-756, 2010
Conceptualizing community development in the twenty-first century
D Matarrita-Cascante, MA Brennan
Community development 43 (3), 293-305, 2012
Conceptualizing community resilience: Revisiting conceptual distinctions
D Matarrita-Cascante, B Trejos, H Qin, D Joo, S Debner
Community Development 48 (1), 105-123, 2017
Beyond growth: Reaching tourism-led development
D Matarrita-Cascante
Annals of Tourism Research 37 (4), 1141-1163, 2010
Nonprofit hospitals’ approach to community health needs assessment
CL Pennel, KR McLeroy, JN Burdine, D Matarrita-Cascante
American journal of public health 105 (3), e103-e113, 2015
Changing communities, community satisfaction, and quality of life: A view of multiple perceived indicators
D Matarrita-Cascante
Social Indicators Research 98, 105-127, 2010
Permanent and seasonal residents’ community attachment in natural amenity-rich areas: Exploring the contribution of landscape-related factors
D Matarrita-Cascante, R Stedman, AE Luloff
Environment and Behavior 42 (2), 197-220, 2010
The influence of self-efficacy beliefs in the academic performance of Latina/o students in the United States: A systematic literature review
H Manzano-Sanchez, C Outley, JE Gonzalez, D Matarrita-Cascante
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 40 (2), 176-209, 2018
A systematic review of recent research on adolescent social connectedness and mental health with internet technology use
YJ Wu, C Outley, D Matarrita-Cascante, TP Murphrey
Adolescent Research Review 1, 153-162, 2016
Global Amenity Migration: Transforming Rural Culture, Economy & Landscape
LAG Moss, RS Glorioso
New Ecology Press, 2014
Community resilience in resource-dependent communities: a comparative case study
D Matarrita-Cascante, B Trejos
Environment and Planning A 45 (6), 1387-1402, 2013
Can community land trusts slow gentrification?
M Choi, S Van Zandt, D Matarrita-Cascante
Journal of Urban Affairs 40 (3), 394-411, 2018
Amenity migration to the global south: Implications for community development
D Matarrita-Cascante, G Stocks
Geoforum 49, 91-102, 2013
Wildfire perception and community change
JS Gordon, D Matarrita‐Cascante, RC Stedman, AE Luloff
Rural Sociology 75 (3), 455-477, 2010
Community participation in rapidly growing communities in southern Utah
D Matarrita-Cascante, AE Luloff, RS Krannich, DR Field
Community Development 37 (4), 71-87, 2006
People, places and landscapes: Social change in high amenity rural areas
RS Krannich, AE Luloff, DR Field
Springer, 2011
International amenity migration: Examining environmental behaviors and influences of amenity migrants and local residents in a rural community
D Matarrita-Cascante, A Sene-Harper, G Stocks
Journal of Rural Studies 38, 1-11, 2015
Rurality in leisure research: A review of four major journals
MB Edwards, D Matarrita-Cascante
Journal of Leisure Research 43 (4), 447-474, 2011
Barriers and supports to college aspiration among Latinx high school students
H Manzano-Sanchez, D Matarrita-Cascante, C Outley
Journal of Youth Development 14 (2), 25-45, 2019
Leveraging local livelihood strategies to support conservation and development in West Africa
A Sene-Harper, D Matarrita-Cascante, LR Larson
Environmental Development 29, 16-28, 2019
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Articles 1–20