Georgia Kougka
Cited by
Cited by
Dynamic configuration of partitioning in spark applications
A Gounaris, G Kougka, R Tous, CT Montes, J Torres
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (7), 1891-1904, 2017
The many faces of data-centric workflow optimization: a survey
G Kougka, A Gounaris, A Simitsis
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 6 (2), 81-107, 2018
Eligibility of BPMN models for business process redesign
G Tsakalidis, K Vergidis, G Kougka, A Gounaris
Information 10 (7), 225, 2019
Event-based predictive maintenance on top of sensor data in a real Industry 4.0 case study
A Naskos, G Kougka, T Toliopoulos, A Gounaris, C Vamvalis, D Caljouw
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in …, 2019
Practical algorithms for execution engine selection in data flows
G Kougka, A Gounaris, K Tsichlas
Future Generation Computer Systems 45, 133-148, 2015
On Knowledge Transfer from Cost-Based Optimization of Data-Centric Workflows to Business Process Redesign
G Kougka, K Varvoutas, A Gounaris, G Tsakalidis, K Vergidis
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLIII, 62-85, 2020
Optimization of data flow execution in a parallel environment
G Kougka, A Gounaris
Distributed and Parallel Databases 37 (3), 385-410, 2019
Optimization of Data-intensive Flows: Is it Needed? Is it Solved?
G Kougka, A Gounaris
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP …, 2014
A Methodology for Runtime Detection and Extraction of Threat Patterns
C Bellas, A Naskos, G Kougka, G Vlahavas, A Gounaris, A Vakali, ...
An overview of the CUREX platform
AJ Diaz-Honrubia, AR Gonzalez, JM Zamorano, JR Jiménez, ...
2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2019
Declarative expression and optimization of data-intensive flows
G Kougka, A Gounaris
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 13-25, 2013
Optimal task ordering in chain data flows: exploring the practicality of non-scalable solutions
G Kougka, A Gounaris
International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, 19-32, 2017
Cost optimization of data flows based on task re-ordering
G Kougka, A Gounaris
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXIII, 113-145, 2017
Cost optimization of data flows based on task re-ordering
G Kougka, A Gounaris
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.08492, 2015
Modeling data flow execution in a parallel environment
G Kougka, A Gounaris, U Leser
International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, 183-196, 2017
On optimizing workflows using query processing techniques
G Kougka, A Gounaris
International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management …, 2012
Optimizing business processes through parallel task execution
K Varvoutas, G Kougka, A Gounaris
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Management of Digital …, 2022
A Conceptual Model for Assessing Security and Privacy Risks in Healthcare Information Infrastructures: The CUREX Approach
G Kougka, A Gounaris, A Papadopoulos, A Vakali, DN Llobet, J Dumortier, ...
Knowledge Modelling and Big Data Analytics in Healthcare, 285-297, 2021
Optimizing the Execution of Product Data Models
K Varvoutas, C Bellas, G Kougka, A Gounaris
IEEE Access, 2024
Facilitating DoS Attack Detection using Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
C Bellas, G Kougka, A Naskos, A Gounaris, A Vakali, C Xenakis, ...
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Scientific and …, 2022
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Articles 1–20