ShiNung Ching
Cited by
Cited by
Electroencephalogram signatures of loss and recovery of consciousness from propofol
PL Purdon, ET Pierce, EA Mukamel, MJ Prerau, JL Walsh, KFK Wong, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (12), E1142-E1151, 2013
Systems and methods to infer brain state during burst suppression
PL Purdon, EN Brown, LD Lewis, BM Westover, SN Ching
US Patent 10,383,574, 2019
Systems and methods for monitoring brain metabolism and activity using electroencephalogram and optical imaging
PL Purdon, EN Brown, SN Ching, DA Boas, MA Franceschini, J Sutin
US Patent App. 14/260,070, 2014
Thalamocortical model for a propofol-induced α-rhythm associated with loss of consciousness
SN Ching, A Cimenser, PL Purdon, EN Brown, NJ Kopell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (52), 22665-22670, 2010
A neurophysiological–metabolic model for burst suppression
SN Ching, PL Purdon, S Vijayan, NJ Kopell, EN Brown
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (8), 3095-3100, 2012
Thalamocortical mechanisms for the anteriorization of alpha rhythms during propofol-induced unconsciousness
S Vijayan, SN Ching, PL Purdon, EN Brown, NJ Kopell
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (27), 11070-11075, 2013
Modeling the dynamical effects of anesthesia on brain circuits
SN Ching, EN Brown
Current opinion in neurobiology 25, 116-122, 2014
Local cortical dynamics of burst suppression in the anaesthetized brain
LD Lewis, SN Ching, VS Weiner, RA Peterfreund, EN Eskandar, SS Cash, ...
Brain 136 (9), 2727-2737, 2013
Electroencephalography and delirium in the postoperative period
BJA Palanca, TS Wildes, YS Ju, S Ching, MS Avidan
BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia 119 (2), 294-307, 2017
Burst suppression probability algorithms: state-space methods for tracking EEG burst suppression
J Chemali, SN Ching, PL Purdon, K Solt, EN Brown
Journal of neural engineering 10 (5), 056017, 2013
Propofol and sevoflurane induce distinct burst suppression patterns in rats
JD Kenny, MB Westover, SN Ching, EN Brown, K Solt
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 8, 237, 2014
Real-time closed-loop control in a rodent model of medically induced coma using burst suppression
SN Ching, MY Liberman, JJ Chemali, MB Westover, JD Kenny, K Solt, ...
Anesthesiology 119 (4), 848-860, 2013
Assembly systems with non-exponential machines: Throughput and bottlenecks
SN Ching, SM Meerkov, L Zhang
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 69 (3), 911-917, 2008
Real-time segmentation of burst suppression patterns in critical care EEG monitoring
MB Westover, MM Shafi, SN Ching, JJ Chemali, PL Purdon, SS Cash, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 219 (1), 131-141, 2013
Distributed control in a mean-field cortical network model: implications for seizure suppression
SN Ching, EN Brown, MA Kramer
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (2 …, 2012
Control strategies for underactuated neural ensembles driven by optogenetic stimulation
SN Ching, JT Ritt
Frontiers in neural circuits 7, 54, 2013
Quasilinear control: Performance analysis and design of feedback systems with nonlinear sensors and actuators
SN Ching, Y Eun, C Gokcek, PT Kabamba, SM Meerkov
Cambridge University Press, 2010
The human burst suppression electroencephalogram of deep hypothermia
MB Westover, SN Ching, VM Kumaraswamy, O Akeju, E Pierce, SS Cash, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (10), 1901-1914, 2015
A closed-loop anesthetic delivery system for real-time control of burst suppression
MY Liberman, SN Ching, J Chemali, EN Brown
Journal of neural engineering 10 (4), 046004, 2013
Estimation and Validation of Individualized Dynamic Brain Models with Resting State fMRI
MF Singh, TS Braver, MW Cole, SN Ching
NeuroImage 221, 117046, 2020
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Articles 1–20