Alan J.  Daly
Cited by
Cited by
Teaming up: Linking collaboration networks, collective efficacy, and student achievement
NM Moolenaar, PJC Sleegers, AJ Daly
Teaching and teacher education 28 (2), 251-262, 2012
Occupying the principal position: Examining relationships between transformational leadership, social network position, and schools’ innovative climate
NM Moolenaar, AJ Daly, PJC Sleegers
Educational administration quarterly 46 (5), 623-670, 2010
Social network theory and educational change
JW Little
Harvard education press, 2010
Relationships in reform: The role of teachers' social networks
AJ Daly, NM Moolenaar, JM Bolivar, P Burke
Journal of educational administration 48 (3), 359-391, 2010
A bridge between worlds: Understanding network structure to understand change strategy
AJ Daly, KS Finnigan
Journal of Educational Change 11, 111-138, 2010
Rigid response in an age of accountability: The potential of leadership and trust
AJ Daly
Educational Administration Quarterly 45 (2), 168-216, 2009
The ebb and flow of social network ties between district leaders under high-stakes accountability
AJ Daly, KS Finnigan
American Educational Research Journal 48 (1), 39-79, 2011
A question of trust: Predictive conditions for adaptive and technical leadership in educational contexts
AJ Daly, J Chrispeels
Leadership and Policy in Schools 7 (1), 30-63, 2008
Strategic framing: How leaders craft the meaning of data use for equity and learning
V Park, AJ Daly, AW Guerra
Educational Policy 27 (4), 645-675, 2013
Data, dyads, and dynamics: Exploring data use and social networks in educational improvement
AJ Daly
Teachers College Record 114 (11), 1-38, 2012
Mind the gap: Organizational learning and improvement in an underperforming urban system
KS Finnigan, AJ Daly
American Journal of Education 119 (1), 41-71, 2012
Ties with potential: Social network structure and innovative climate in Dutch schools
NM Moolenaar, PJC Sleegers, AJ Daly
Teachers College Record 113 (9), 1983-2017, 2011
Exploring the space between: Social networks, trust, and urban school district leaders
AJ Daly, KS Finnigan
Journal of School Leadership 22 (3), 493-530, 2012
Mapping the terrain: Social network theory and educational change
AJ Daly
Social network theory and educational change, 1-16, 2010
Systemwide reform in districts under pressure: The role of social networks in defining, acquiring, using, and diffusing research evidence
KS Finnigan, AJ Daly, J Che
Journal of Educational Administration 51 (4), 476-497, 2013
Toward conceptual clarity: A multidimensional, multilevel model of professional learning communities in Dutch elementary schools
P Sleegers, P den Brok, E Verbiest, NM Moolenaar, AJ Daly
The elementary school journal 114 (1), 118-137, 2013
Aligning mental models of district and school leadership teams for reform coherence
JH Chrispeels, PH Burke, P Johnson, AJ Daly
Education and Urban Society 40 (6), 730-750, 2008
Identifying the new Influences in the Internet Era: Social Media and Social Network Analysis.
M del Fresno García, AJ Daly, S Segado Sanchez-Cabezudo
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2016
Networked leadership in educational collaborative networks
J Díaz-Gibson, MC Zaragoza, AJ Daly, JL Mayayo, JR Romaní
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 45 (6), 1040-1059, 2017
Improving trust, improving schools: Findings from a social network analysis of 43 primary schools in England
C Brown, A Daly, YH Liou
Journal of Professional Capital and Community 1 (1), 69-91, 2016
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Articles 1–20