José M. Pardo
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Cited by
Emotional space improves emotion recognition
R Tato, R Santos, R Kompe, JM Pardo
Proc. Of ICSLP-2002, Denver, Colorado, 2002
Classification of epileptic EEG recordings using signal transforms and convolutional neural networks
R San-Segundo, M Gil-Martín, LF D'Haro-Enríquez, JM Pardo
Computers in biology and medicine 109, 148-158, 2019
Speech to sign language translation system for Spanish
R San-Segundo, R Barra, R Córdoba, LF D’Haro, F Fernández, ...
Speech Communication 50 (11), 1009-1020, 2008
Emotional speech synthesis: From speech database to TTS
JM Montero, JM Gutierrez-Arriola, S Palazuelos, E Enriquez, S Aguilera, ...
Fifth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1998
Analysis and modelling of emotional speech in Spanish
JM Montero, J Gutiérrez-Arriola, J Colás, E Enríquez, JM Pardo
Proc. of ICPhS 2, 957-960, 1999
Confidence measures for dialogue management in the CU communicator system
R San-Segundo, B Pellom, W Ward, JM Pardo
2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2000
Speaker diarization for multiple-distant-microphone meetings using several sources of information
J Pardo, X Anguera, C Wooters
IEEE Transactions on Computers 56 (9), 1212-1224, 2007
Feature extraction from smartphone inertial signals for human activity segmentation
R San-Segundo, JM Montero, R Barra-Chicote, F Fernández, JM Pardo
Signal Processing 120, 359-372, 2016
Robust speaker diarization for meetings: ICSI RT06s meetings evaluation system
X Anguera, C Wooters, JM Pardo
International Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, 346-358, 2006
Feature extraction for robust physical activity recognition
J Zhu, R San-Segundo, JM Pardo
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 7 (1), 16, 2017
Confidence measures for spoken dialogue systems
R San-Segundo, B Pellom, K Hacioglu, W Ward, JM Pardo
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2001. Proceedings.(ICASSP'01 …, 2001
Speaker diarization for multiple distant microphone meetings: mixing acoustic features and inter-channel time differences.
JM Pardo, X Anguera, C Wooters
Segmenting human activities based on HMMs using smartphone inertial sensors
R San-Segundo, J Lorenzo-Trueba, B Martínez-González, JM Pardo
Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2016
Development of Spanish corpora for speech research (ALBAYZIN)
F Casacuberta, R Garcia, J Llisterri, C Nadeu, JM Pardo, A Rubio
Workshop on International Cooperation and Standardization of Speech …, 1991
Speaker diarization for multi-microphone meetings using only between-channel differences
JM Pardo, X Anguera, C Wooters
International Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, 257-264, 2006
I-vector analysis for gait-based person identification using smartphone inertial signals
R San-Segundo, JD Echeverry-Correa, C Salamea-Palacios, SL Lutfi, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 38, 140-153, 2017
Proposing a speech to gesture translation architecture for Spanish deaf people
R San-Segundo, JM Montero, J Macías-Guarasa, R Córdoba, J Ferreiros, ...
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 19 (5), 523-538, 2008
Spoken Spanish generation from sign language
R San-Segundo, JM Pardo, J Ferreiros, V Sama, R Barra-Chicote, ...
Interacting with Computers 22 (2), 123-139, 2010
Spanish expressive voices: Corpus for emotion research in spanish
R Barra-Chicote, JM Montero, J Macias-Guarasa, S Lufti, JM Lucas, ...
Proc. of LREC, 2008
Automatic modeling of duration in a Spanish text-to-speech system using neural networks
R Córdoba, JA Vallejo, JM Montero, J Gutierrez-Arriola, MA Lopez, ...
Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1999
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Articles 1–20